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Standard Library

Below is the API for the OCaml standard library. It's directly copied over from the OCaml Manual, formatted to the Reason syntax and styled accordingly. The API docs are work-in-progress; we'll be polishing these gradually!

If you're targeting JavaScript, the API docs for BuckleScript includes all of below, plus JS-specific APIs.

Module Ast_helper.Cf

module Cf: sig .. end
Class fields

val mk : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->       ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->       ?docs:Docstrings.docs -> Parsetree.class_field_desc -> Parsetree.class_field
val attr : Parsetree.class_field -> Parsetree.attribute -> Parsetree.class_field
val inherit_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->       ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->       Asttypes.override_flag ->       Parsetree.class_expr -> string option -> Parsetree.class_field
val val_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->       ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->       Ast_helper.str ->       Asttypes.mutable_flag -> Parsetree.class_field_kind -> Parsetree.class_field
val method_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->       ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->       Ast_helper.str ->       Asttypes.private_flag -> Parsetree.class_field_kind -> Parsetree.class_field
val constraint_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->       ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs ->       Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.class_field
val initializer_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->       ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.class_field
val extension : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc ->       ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.extension -> Parsetree.class_field
val attribute : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> Parsetree.attribute -> Parsetree.class_field
val text : Docstrings.text -> Parsetree.class_field list
val virtual_ : Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.class_field_kind
val concrete : Asttypes.override_flag -> Parsetree.expression -> Parsetree.class_field_kind