Below is the API for the OCaml standard library. It's directly copied over from the OCaml Manual, formatted to the Reason syntax and styled accordingly. The API docs are work-in-progress; we'll be polishing these gradually!
If you're targeting JavaScript, the API docs for BuckleScript includes all of below, plus JS-specific APIs.
module Lexer: sig .. end
val init : unit -> unit
val token : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
val skip_sharp_bang : Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
type error =
| |
Illegal_character of char |
| |
Illegal_escape of string |
| |
Unterminated_comment of Location.t |
| |
Unterminated_string |
| |
Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t |
| |
Keyword_as_label of string |
| |
Literal_overflow of string |
exception Error of error * Location.t
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit
val in_comment : unit -> bool
val in_string : unit -> bool
val print_warnings : bool Pervasives.ref
val comments : unit -> (string * Location.t) list
val token_with_comments : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
val set_preprocessor : (unit -> unit) -> ((Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) -> unit