Below is the API for the OCaml standard library. It's directly copied over from the OCaml Manual, formatted to the Reason syntax and styled accordingly. The API docs are work-in-progress; we'll be polishing these gradually!
If you're targeting JavaScript, the API docs for BuckleScript includes all of below, plus JS-specific APIs.
module Stream: sig .. end
type 'a t
.exception Failure
exception Error of string
val from : (int -> 'a option) -> 'a t
Stream.from f
returns a stream built from the function f
To create a new stream element, the function f
is called with
the current stream count. The user function f
must return either
Some <value>
for a value or None
to specify the end of the
Do note that the indices passed to f
may not start at 0
in the
general case. For example, [< '0; '1; Stream.from f >]
would call
the first time with count 2
val of_list : 'a list -> 'a t
val of_string : string -> char t
val of_bytes : bytes -> char t
val of_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> char t
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
Stream.iter f s
scans the whole stream s, applying function f
in turn to each stream element encountered.val next : 'a t -> 'a
val empty : 'a t -> unit
if the stream is empty, else raise Stream.Failure
.val peek : 'a t -> 'a option
of "the first element" of the stream, or None
the stream is empty.val junk : 'a t -> unit
val count : 'a t -> int
val npeek : int -> 'a t -> 'a list
npeek n
returns the list of the n
first elements of
the stream, or all its remaining elements if less than n
elements are available.