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Global InstallationSuggest an edit

Before setting up the editor plugins, you need to install the global binaries needed by them.

Platform Install command
OSX npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/beta-v-1.13.7-bin-darwin.tar.gz
Linux npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/beta-v-1.13.7-bin-linux.tar.gz
Windows Please see https://github.com/reasonml/reasonml.github.io/issues/195

(Alternative) Through OPAM

OPAM is the native package manager for OCaml. If you come from OCaml and don't have npm/yarn, you can optionally install this way, but be careful!

If you're on Windows, please see https://github.com/reasonml/reasonml.github.io/issues/195.

opam update
opam switch 4.02.3 # mandatory!
opam install reason.1.13.7
opam install merlin.2.5.4


Bad Installation

If your installation fail, it might be because you're on npm 5.4.0 (npm --version). There was a known bug in npm that's fixed in 5.4.2. Upgrade npm and things should work.

If that fails, try https://github.com/reasonml/reasonml.github.io/pull/157. If that succeeds, please upvote that issue. We aren't sure it's the adequate fix in the meantime.

Finally, if things still don't work, please file an issue at https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/issues. Sorry for the trouble.

Editor Plugin Not Working

  • If you're on Windows, the current editor tooling support for Windows is shaky. Please help us improve it in https://github.com/reasonml/reasonml.github.io/issues/195. Thank you!

  • Make sure you restart your editor. Some of them might not pick up your new shell environment (which now includes the newly installed binaries) without one.

  • Try the following:

    which ocamlmerlin refmt ocamlmerlin-reason

    It should spit out three paths that contain the word reason-cli if the reason-cli installation succeeded.

  • Check the Merlin version:

    ocamlmerlin -version

    It should say "The Merlin toolkit version 2.5.x, for Ocaml 4.02.3". Not OCaml 4.03, not 4.04, etc.

Editor Error Message: Unbound Module Js, Etc.

Make sure you've built your project at least once; the diagnosis doesn't pick up until after that. The build command varies by project, but is frequently npm run build (which usually calls bsb -make-world under the hood).

If you're on Visual Studio Code, make sure you open the editor at the project's root (where package.json and bsconfig.json are). You can do so, for example, by invoking code . in the terminal at the root.