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Cheat sheet for the full function syntax at the end

Can you believe we haven't covered function until now?

Functions are declared with fun and return the expression.

let greet = fun name => "Hello " ^ name;

This declares a function and assigns to it the name greet, which you can call like so:

greet "world!"; /* "Hello world!" */

Multi-arguments functions have arguments separated by space:

let add = fun x y z => x + y + z;
add 1 2 3; /* 6 */

For longer functions, you'd surround the body with a block:

let greetMore = fun name => {
  let part1 = "Hello";
  part1 ^ " " ^ name

Since function definitions occur often, we gave let + fun a shorthand:

let add x y z => x + y + z;
/* same as: let add = fun x y z => x + y + z; */

Be mindful of function's precedence! You need to wrap the call with parentheses in some situations:

let increment x => x + 1;
let double x => x + x;

let eleven = increment (double 5);

If you forget to wrap double 5 in parentheses, you'd get increment double 5, as if the increment function wrongly takes two arguments.

No Argument

A function always takes an argument; but sometimes, we'd use it for e.g. side-effects, and don't have anything to pass to it. In other languages, we'd conceptually pass "no argument". In Reason, every function takes an argument; here we'd conventionally pass it the value (), called "unit".

/* receive & destructure the unit argument */
let logSomething () => {
  print_endline "hello";
  print_endline "world";

/* call the function with the value of type unit */
logSomething ();

() is a totally normal value, the single possible value in unit. Reason gave it a special syntax out of convenience.

Labeled Arguments

Multi-arguments functions, especially those whose arguments are of the same type, can be confusing to call.

let addCoordinates x y => {
  /* use x and y here */
addCoordinates 5 6; /* which is x, which is y? */

In OCaml/Reason, you can attach labels to an argument:

let addCoordinates x::x y::y => {
  /* use x and y here */
addCoordinates x::5 y::6;

Since we have currying (more on that below), we can provide the arguments in any order:

addCoordinates y::6 x::5;

The x::x part during declaration means the function accepts an argument labeled x and can refer to it in the function body as the variable x. This is so that we can have the following pattern, where labeled arguments are renamed inside the function for conciseness:

let drawCircle radius::r color::c => {
  setColor c;
  startAt r r;

drawCircle radius::10 color::"red";

For the common case of radius::radius (where the label is the same as the local variable name), we have the syntax shorthand ::x:

let drawCircle ::radius ::color => {
  setColor color;
  startAt radius radius;

Here's the syntax for typing the arguments:

let drawCircle radius::(r: int) color::(c: string) => ...;

Optional Labeled Arguments

Labeled function arguments can be made optional during declaration. You can then omit them when calling the function.

/* radius can be omitted */
let drawCircle ::color ::radius=? () => {
  setColor color;
  switch radius {
  | None => startAt 1 1;
  | Some r_ => startAt r_ r_;

If omitted, radius is wrapped in the standard library's option type, defaulting to None. If provided, it'll be wrapped with a Some. So radius's type value is either None or Some int here.

Note: None | Some foo is a data structure type called variant, described below. This particular variant type is provided by the standard library. It's called option. Its definition: type option 'a = None | Some 'a.

Note the unit () at the end of drawCircle. Without it, since radius and color are both labeled, can be curried, and can be applied out-of-order, it's unclear what the following means:

let whatIsThis = drawCircle ::color;

Is whatIsThis a curried drawCircle function, waiting for the optional radius to be applied? Or did it finish applying? To address this confusion, append a positional (aka non-labeled) argument to drawCircle (conventionally ()), and OCaml will, as a rule of thumb, presume the optional labeled argument is omitted when the positional argument is provided.

let curriedFunction = drawCircle ::color;
let actualResultWithoutProvidingRadius = drawCircle ::color ();

Explicitly Passed Optional

Sometimes, you might want to forward a value to a function without knowing whether the value is None or Some a. Naively, you'd do:

let result = switch payloadRadius {
| None => drawCircle ::color ()
| Some r => drawCircle ::color radius::r ()

This quickly gets tedious. We provide a shortcut:

let result = drawCircle ::color radius::?payloadRadius ();

This means "I understand radius is optional, and that when I pass it a value it needs to be an int, but I don't know whether the value I'm passing is None or Some val, so I'll pass you the whole option wrapper".

Optional with Default Value

Optional labeled arguments can also be provided a default value. They aren't wrapped in an option type.

let drawCircle ::radius=1 ::color () => {
  setColor color;
  startAt radius radius;

Recursive Functions

By default, values can't see a binding that points to it, but including the rec keyword in a let binding makes this possible. This allows functions to see and call themselves, giving us the power of recursion.

let rec neverTerminate = fun () => neverTerminate ();

Mutually Recursive Functions

Mutually recursive functions start like a single recursive function using the rec keyword, and then are chained together with and:

let rec callSecond = fun () => callFirst ()
and callFirst = fun () => callSecond ();

Note that there's no semicolon ending the first line and no let on the second line.


Reason functions can automatically be partially called:

let add = fun x y => x + y;
let addFive = add 5;
let eleven = addFive 6;
let twelve = addFive 7;

Actually, the above add is nothing but syntactic sugar for this:

let add = fun x => fun y => x + y;

OCaml optimizes this to avoid the unnecessary function allocation (2 functions here, naively speaking) whenever it can! This way, we get

  • Nice syntax
  • Currying for free (every function takes a single argument, actually!)
  • No performance cost

Tips & Tricks

Cheat sheet for the function syntaxes:


/* anonymous function. Listed for completeness only */
fun x => fun y => 1;
/* sugar for the above */
fun x y => 1;
/* assign to a name */
let add = fun x y => 1;

/* sugar for the above. */
/* Don't need to remember all the above formats; they format to this one */
let add x y => 1;

/* labeled */
let add first::x second::y => x + y;
/* with punning sugar */
let add ::first ::second => first + second;

/* labeled with default value */
let add first::x=1 second::y=2 => x + y;
/* with punning */
let add ::first=1 ::second=2 => first + second;

/* optional */
let add first::x=? second::y=? => switch x {...};
/* with punning */
let add ::first=? ::second=? => switch first {...};
With Type Annotation
/* anonymous function */
fun (x: int) => fun (y: int): int => 1;
/* sugar for the above */
fun (x: int) (y: int): int => 1;
/* assign to a name */
let add = fun (x: int) (y: int): int => 1;

/* sugar for the above. */
/* Don't need to remember all the above formats; they format to this one */
let add (x: int) (y: int) :int => 1;

/* labeled */
let add first::(x: int) second::(y: int): int => x + y;
/* no punning sugar for labeled arguments with types yet */
let add first::(first: int) second::(second: int): int => first + second;

/* labeled with default value */
let add first::(x: int)=1 second::(y: int)=2: int => x + y;
/* no punning in this case yet */
let add first::(first: int)=1 second::(second: int)=2: int => first + second;

/* optional */
/* careful with the space for the return type here! You need one */
let add first::(x: option int)=? second::(y: option int)=? : int => switch x {...};
/* no punning in this case yet */
/* note that the caller would pass an `int`, not `option int` */
/* Inside the function, `first` and `second` are `option int`. */
let add first::(first: option int)=? second::(second: option int)=? : int => switch first {...};


/* anonymous application. Listed for completeness only */
/* sugar for the above */
add x y;

/* labeled */
add first::1 second::2;
/* with punning sugar */
add ::first ::second;

/* application with default value. Same as normal application */
add first::1 second::2;

/* explicit optional application */
add first::?(Some 1) second::?(Some 2);
/* with punning */
add ::?first ::?second;
With Type Annotation
/* anonymous application */
add (x: int) (y: int);

/* labeled */
add first::(1: int) second::(2: int);
/* no punning sugar for labeled arguments application with types yet */
add first::(first: int) second::(second: int);

/* application with default value. Same as normal application */
add first::(1: int) second::(2: int);

/* explicit optional application */
add first::?(Some 1: option int) second::?(Some 2: option int);

/* no punning in this case yet */
add first::?(first: option int) second::?(second: option int);

Standalone Type Signature

/* first arg type, second arg type, return type */
type foo = int => int => int;

/* labeled */
type foo = first::int => second::int => int;

/* labeled with default value */
type foo = first::int? => second::int? => int;
In Interface Files

To annotate a function from the implementation file (.re):

let add: int => int => int;

Same rules as the previous section, except replacing type foo = bar with let add: bar.

Don't confuse this with actually exporting a type in the interface file. let add: bar annotates an existing value bar from the implementation file. type foo = bar exports a type of the same shape from the implementation file.