32-bits, truncated when necessary. Reason provides the usual operations on them: +
, -
, *
, /
, etc.
See the Int32 module in the standard library. For JS compilation, see Js.Int.
Careful when you bind to JavaScript numbers! Long ones might be truncated. Bind JS number as float instead.
Float requires other operators: +.
, -.
, *.
, /.
, etc. Like 0.5 +. 0.6
There's no Float module in the current standard library. For JS compilation, see Js.Float.
"Why the heck can't I just use an overloaded +
for both int and float? Why is it that each time I find a performant language with great types and interop and community, I find these kind of flaws?"
There, there. Polymorphic operators, under the current type system, would need to be hard-coded into the compiler. The physical polymorphic equal, ==
, is such an operator; +
and the rest aren't. Improvements are under way to make them work as desired. In the meantime, let's keep shipping =).
Additionally, floats are rather special in Reason/OCaml native. Check here if you're interested in learning some rather interesting optimizations!