Below is the API for the OCaml standard library. It's directly copied over from the OCaml Manual, formatted to the Reason syntax and styled accordingly. The API docs are work-in-progress; we'll be polishing these gradually!
If you're targeting JavaScript, the API docs for BuckleScript includes all of below, plus JS-specific APIs.
A | |
Arg |
Parsing of command line arguments.
Array [StdLabels] | |
Array |
Array operations.
Array1 [Bigarray] |
One-dimensional arrays.
Array2 [Bigarray] |
Two-dimensional arrays.
Array3 [Bigarray] |
Three-dimensional arrays.
ArrayLabels |
Array operations.
Ast_helper |
Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments
Ast_mapper |
The interface of a -ppx rewriter
Asttypes | |
B | |
Bigarray |
Large, multi-dimensional, numerical arrays.
Buffer |
Extensible buffers.
Bytes [StdLabels] | |
Bytes |
Byte sequence operations.
BytesLabels |
Byte sequence operations.
C | |
Callback |
Registering OCaml values with the C runtime.
CamlinternalFormat | |
CamlinternalFormatBasics | |
CamlinternalLazy |
Run-time support for lazy values.
CamlinternalMod |
Run-time support for recursive modules.
CamlinternalOO |
Run-time support for objects and classes.
Cf [Ast_helper] |
Class fields
Char |
Character operations.
Ci [Ast_helper] |
Cl [Ast_helper] |
Class expressions
Complex |
Complex numbers.
Csig [Ast_helper] |
Class signatures
Cstr [Ast_helper] |
Class structures
Ctf [Ast_helper] |
Class type fields
Cty [Ast_helper] |
Class type expressions
D | |
Digest |
MD5 message digest.
Docstrings |
(Re)Initialise all docstring state
E | |
Exp [Ast_helper] |
F | |
Filename |
Operations on file names.
Format |
Pretty printing.
G | |
Gc |
Memory management control and statistics; finalised values.
Genarray [Bigarray] | |
Genlex |
A generic lexical analyzer.
H | |
Hashtbl [MoreLabels] | |
Hashtbl |
Hash tables and hash functions.
I | |
Incl [Ast_helper] | |
Int32 |
32-bit integers.
Int64 |
64-bit integers.
L | |
LargeFile [Unix] |
File operations on large files.
LargeFile [Pervasives] |
Operations on large files.
Lazy |
Deferred computations.
Lexer | |
Lexing |
The run-time library for lexers generated by
ocamllex .
List [StdLabels] | |
List |
List operations.
ListLabels |
List operations.
Location |
An arbitrary value of type
t ; describes an empty ghost range.
Longident | |
M | |
Make [Weak] |
Functor building an implementation of the weak hash table structure.
Make [Set] |
Functor building an implementation of the set structure
given a totally ordered type.
Make [MoreLabels.Set] | |
Make [MoreLabels.Map] | |
Make [MoreLabels.Hashtbl] | |
Make [Map] |
Functor building an implementation of the map structure
given a totally ordered type.
Make [Hashtbl] |
Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure.
MakeSeeded [MoreLabels.Hashtbl] | |
MakeSeeded [Hashtbl] |
Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure.
Map [MoreLabels] | |
Map |
Association tables over ordered types.
Marshal |
Marshaling of data structures.
Mb [Ast_helper] |
Module bindings
Md [Ast_helper] |
Module declarations
Mod [Ast_helper] |
Module expressions
MoreLabels |
Extra labeled libraries.
Mtd [Ast_helper] |
Module type declarations
Mty [Ast_helper] |
Module type expressions
N | |
Nativeint |
Processor-native integers.
Num |
Operation on arbitrary-precision numbers.
O | |
Obj |
Operations on internal representations of values.
Oo |
Operations on objects
Opn [Ast_helper] | |
P | |
Parse | |
Parser | |
Parsetree |
Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing
Parsing |
The run-time library for parsers generated by
ocamlyacc .
Pat [Ast_helper] |
Pervasives |
The initially opened module.
Pprintast | |
Printast | |
Printexc |
Facilities for printing exceptions and inspecting current call stack.
Printf |
Formatted output functions.
Q | |
Queue |
First-in first-out queues.
R | |
Random |
Pseudo-random number generators (PRNG).
S | |
Scanf |
Formatted input functions.
Scanning [Scanf] | |
Set |
Sets over ordered types.
Set [MoreLabels] | |
Sig [Ast_helper] |
Signature items
Slot [Printexc] | |
Sort |
Sorting and merging lists.
Stack |
Last-in first-out stacks.
State [Random] | |
StdLabels |
Standard labeled libraries.
Str |
Regular expressions and high-level string processing
Str [Ast_helper] |
Structure items
Stream |
Streams and parsers.
String |
String operations.
String [StdLabels] | |
StringLabels |
String operations.
Syntaxerr | |
Sys |
System interface.
T | |
Te [Ast_helper] |
Type extensions
Typ [Ast_helper] |
Type expressions
Type [Ast_helper] |
Type declarations
U | |
Unix |
Interface to the Unix system.
V | |
Val [Ast_helper] |
Value declarations
Vb [Ast_helper] | |
W | |
Weak |
Arrays of weak pointers and hash tables of weak pointers.